martedì 22 luglio 2014

En:Close Protection Officer Quality

En:Close Protection Officer Quality

Going to join the close protection camp…or you think.Good.

Not only will you need to think about this career choice as a whole, but you also have to think about what type of bodyguard you are going to be. You could start as a door supervisor and move to a security guard, but if you want the most out of your career choice, then you need to work in close protection.

Close protection does have its challenges. You will be in charge of protecting some of the most important people on the planet. It is not unusual to work for movie stars, sports stars, pop stars, politicians, diplomats and royalty. Yes, you will be in charge of protecting these people, and this job is not for everyone. Do you have what it takes to become a Close Protection Operative? These qualities will certainly help.

Training and Experience.

If you expect to get a job in the security industry, then you will need the proper training. A Close Protection training course is the first step towards working in the field, but it may also help to have some previous training as well.

If you have some prior military training, then it may prove to be very helpful as a Close Protection Operative. Your job is going to be to protect people, but military experience will give you a little something extra. You must know how to protect, observe and deter any possible problems. While it is not a prerequisite, it can prove to be very helpful.

Firearm handeling.

Not every job will require the knowledge of a firearm. In fact, there may even be some situations where you are not allowed to carry a firearm on your person. On the other hand, there may be other times when you will be required to carry a firearm. It may be the best way to protect an individual or a group of people.

Having prior firearm experience will be very helpful. If you have none, you may want to consider some firearm training to strengthen your Close Protection skills.

Executive Driver Skills.

You will need to be able to legally drive a vehicle before you will be hired to work as a Close Protection Operative. You must also have a valid drivers license. You may or may not be involved in moving a person from one location to another using a motor vehicle.

Defensive driving skills are also an excellent quality to have. You might be in charge of driving someone to a safe location quickly. If your driving skills are lacking, consider taking a driving course that will help you improve them.

It doesn’t matter if you have chosen to be a security guard, or a Close Protection Operative, All of these skills and properties will just strengthen your chances of landing a good job in the security industry.

Physically Fit

There will be times in your professional career when you will be faced with some strenuous physical activities. You may have to hold off a wall of crazed fans. You may have to sprint after an assailant. You may have to use your body to physically protect someone. All of these things will require a person who is physically fit. You don’t have to be a muscle clad person, but you will have to be able to handle yourself in more than one physical situation.

Thinking and Reaction

The life of a Close Protection Operative may seem like a rather glamorous life, but there will be some very serious moments when you will be required to react very quickly. You have to think on your toes and make the right decision. If you are the type of person who has a hard time making decisions, then this is not the position for you. You must be quick witted if you want to offer the best protection.

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