En: The Close Protection Officer Character.
It is quite true that you can lead a person to wining but you cannot make him win. This statement can be applied to many of the girls and boys that wish to work in the private security circuit,or leave the governamental area for the private one.They will always be those who not believe the word of a Instructor or experimented advice from those who are working for more that 20 years in this area-like a student not listening his teacher - but there is not a problem with this independent thinking ,not a problem at all...it does however lead to some disappointment and then a hard learned lesson that your trainer with 20+years of experience may have been right after all! Even the high experience on a particluary field do not make you the perfect Close Protection Officer for a PARTICULAR CLIENT.
Not just your will,presence and fisical aspect is good enough to become a CPO or 10+ years in a government institution\ security ram,it requires a lot more than you may think.
1. Experience (the top of the list).It has been always a hard subject to discuss and every one of us has his own type of experience(some say the ,,life experience'' - it is a good one obviously,but not good enough and not so professional).Let's have a small example so i can make this subject understandable enough: 3 characters a) a former member of Military Special Forces ;b) a Former Internal Affairs Officer and c) a Martial Art Master(i will explain why a Martial Art master profile)-do not take this profiles as they are ,is just a general example,the difference between those 3 character is huge .No question about that it, is a experience in the background for any of them,but the separated line, is the TYPE OF EXPERIENCE. From the backgound point of view, those 3 characters, are way much different one from another :
a. Ex Military Special Forces - aggressive,buy his training,more accurate and fast reflexes on the move,used to obey to the military rules and law(law that has a rigorous but more protective form in front of the civilian law),self defence,surveying,weapon,psychology on a daily training,without adding any international mission.
b.Ex Internal Affair Officer - diplomacy is a high point and knologies about the Law(on his territory),used to handle crime situation(in the urban environment like criminal activity,robbery,threat under the territorial jurisdiction).
c.Martial Art profile - without any doubt the experience is a high one,but it is common to associate any full contact sport with the Close Protection World -it is not a mistake(!),it is however a mistake to have just this experience in back, and claim that you can handle and face with success any CPO job,because you can not,I personally, as a CEO of a Private Security Company,I will not assign just Martial Art background experience to a CPO Job.Do not misunderstand my or be disappointed that your CV is not the best choice for a Close Protection Job,it is a choice of the client\company that you work for, also the physical,fisical threats and protection in a real situation is 360% different that the boxing,martial art ring , plus weapon manipulation-knologies , tactical defence lessons involved in CPO work, is a must ,,know'' and ,,have experience'' beside the self defence knologies.
2.The future VIP risk evaluation and status.
By far the VIP status and risk evaluation (political,show-biz,CEO or board decisional member of a company) it is the most important factor that contributes to the chosen character of the CPO:for example -Show-biz VIP - the most common threat are cameras and television reporters in the chance of exclusivism or front page subject\ the character that it will integrate in the CPO job it will be the Ex Internal Affairs officer,as for a Political VIP ,where beside the reporters, it is the risk of a armed threat, violence attempt on his life -a Ex Special Forces has the good experience in the field to evacuate,protect in a matter of seconds ,the VIP.
As a conclusion is not about the high experience in to the Close Protection Officer Cv ,is about the right character for the client needs.
...to be continued
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